Friday, June 1, 2007

Retail Therapy

I spent a good chunk of the Memorial Day weekend cleaning out my closets and garage for the mammoth tag sale at the Kellogg School that benefits FOLKS (Friend of Lee Kellogg School) and the D.M. Hunt Library. It seems that half the town did, too, for the bleachers at the Kellogg School are overflowing with clothes, furniture, games, skis, and baskets, which have been donated for the sale that begins on Saturday morning under the watchful gaze of the indefatigable Jenny Law.

It's the first Saturday of the month, so there is the monthly Hunt Book Sale, too, but this one is always the biggest of the year. And across the street, the Congregational Church has its annual spring tag sale and arguably the finest bake sale of the season. (I still remember the amazingly delicious cranberry chocolate chip cookies I bought last year.)

The best part of this Falls Village shop-a-thon: All of the money goes to good causes, you can buy used items and keep them out of landfills, and you must pay cash so you can't rack up any credit card debt.

It's guilt-free, socially responsible, hometown shopping.


Anonymous said...

YES, it is hometown shopping for great causes--kids and books. Jenny Law's organizational skills and warm personality provide the inspiration behind the huge undertaking of the annual tag sale. Do you know that setting up on Friday night can last way past 10 PM??
Jenny, who lives across the river, but does so much for the town should be another candidate for Honorary Falls Village citizenship. Although she must already be "grandmothered" in because her 2 daughters are Kellogg graduates.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Falls Village needs to annex Amesville. Most of them really are Falls Villagers more than Salisburians.