I feel like someone who is cheating on his spouse.
The Falls Village Blog is no longer my only website. For the past few months, I have been working with Marilyn Bethany, a colleague from my days at New York Magazine and The New York Times, who now lives full-time in Columbia County. We have created an online magazine called Rural Intelligence that I hope will become a part of your lives. Our goal is to be the best source for information about dining, the arts, shopping, parties, charities and controversies for the residents of our region who work and play in three states and four counties--Berkshire, Columbia, northern Dutchess and northern Litchfield.
Every story and every restaurant review is "bloggable" so you can leave comments and share tips about everything from where to get the best steak and where to see the best Shakespeare to where to go for a Sunday outing and the most scenic shortcut for driving there. Like the Falls Village Blog, it will be updated frequently and it will be a living, dynamic and evolving forum for our unique and beautiful regional community.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A New Bookmark
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Transparency" at Kellogg
What a difference a year makes. Last year at about this time it was announced that changes would be made in the class structure at the Lee H. Kellogg School, which upset some parents who felt they should have been consulted. This year, changes are again being considered and the parents have been invited to be part of the process. There is a meeting today, February 27, at 4:30 that concerend parents should attend. There is also the regular Board of Ed meeting on March 4. Here is the letter that Principal Maria Bulson had sent by email yesterday to the Kellogg community.
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday afternoon we have the last scheduled Board of Education Budget Workshop for the 2008-2009 school year. After several administrative meetings with the Grade 3-5 team, it has been assessed that the multiage classroom needs further support. There are four different options that are presently being discussed. These options have been discussed with the faculty and with the Board of Education. After a presentation of the four options, the Board of Education will give both teachers and parents an opportunity to speak at the Budget Workshop on February 27th at 4:30 and again before the regular Board of Education meeting on March 4th at 7:00.
We encourage parents to take part in this decision-making process by attending either or both of the meetings, listening and voicing their opinions.
Maria Bulson
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunshine in the Forecast
The frame for our poolhouse is a beautiful sight to behold. Its construction was a joint effort and contribution by Trevor Soule, President of the Falls Village Sawmill; Trevor's brother, Zach Soule; John Foster and Louis Timolat. Originally, they were just going to donate materials, but in order to get the pool house completed and prevent any further delay, these four took on the labor for framing. Their hope is that volunteers will come forward to help with completion of the detail work. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Jim March at 824-0218.
The pool house will contain changing rooms and bathrooms which must be in place before the health department will allow the pool to open. And the fact that work is happening in mid February suggests that the pool will be ready for us come June.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
Alas, as some people might expect, our Town Meetings do not resemble episodes of "Gilmore Girls" (even if Falls Village resembles the fictional Stars Hollow in many other respects.) Nevertheless, Town Meetings are proof that democracy works and it is a privilege to participate and an opportunity to speak up (though you cannot remain anonymous.) Here's the official "call," as it is known, for the meeting on February 25.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2008 AT 7:00 PM
To the electors of the Town of Canaan and others qualified to vote at Town Meeting:
1. To receive, review and act on the Annual Auditor’s Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007;
2. To receive, review and/or act on the reports of the officers of the Town of Canaan;
3. To appoint the following as the official depositories for the Treasurer of the Town of Canaan: National Iron Bank, Salisbury; Salisbury Bank and Trust Company, Salisbury and North Canaan; Torrington Savings Bank, Canaan (Falls Village); Litchfield Bancorp, Salisbury; and Webster Bank, North Canaan;
4. To consider and act upon:
a. a proposal to accept a deed from the State of Connecticut to the Town of Canaan for a certain parcel of land, situated in the Town of Canaan, County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut, located on the westerly side of U.S. Route 7, Lime Rock Road, containing 15,524 Square feet, more or less, and more particularly shown on a map to be filed in the Canaan Town Clerk’s Office entitled, “TOWN OF CANAAN MAP SHOWING LAND RELEASED TO TOWN OF CANAAN BY THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION U.S. ROUTE 7 – LIME ROCK ROAD AT SIX ROD ROAD SCALE 1” = 40’ OCTOBER 2005 ARTHUR W. GRUHN, P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER – BUREAU OF ENGINEERING AND HIGHWAY OPERATIONS TOWN NO. 21 PROJ. NO. 21-000, SERIAL NO. 9C, SHEET NO. 1 OF 1, Revised 8/1/07”; SUBJECT TO the following full and perpetual easements and agreement to the State of Connecticut, its successors and assigns: 1) an easement for existing utilities, as shown on said map; 2) an easement to drain, as shown on said map; 3) rights to pass and repass reserved in favor of others; and 4) an agreement that said premises are conveyed with the special limitation that the Town of Canaan shall use said parcel of land for municipal purposes in connection with the Falls Village Volunteer Fire Department; and if, in the case of the said parcel, the Town of Canaan does not use said parcel for said purposes, does not retain ownership of all of said parcel, leases all or any portion of said parcel, the parcel shall revert to the State of Connecticut.
b. approval of an expenditure of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars for the purpose of purchasing the above described land from the State of Connecticut, such finds to be taken from the General Fund.
c. a proposal to grant to the Falls Village Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. an Access Easement for the use of the above described parcel of land acquired from the State of Connecticut, which parcel is adjacent to property owned by said fire department, and to authorize the First Selectman to sign said Access Easement on behalf of the Town of Canaan.
5. Shall the Town of Canaan approve the expenditure of $5,200 from the General Fund for a roof repair on the central portion of the Town owned building situated at 35 Page Road in the Town of Canaan.
6. Shall the Town of Canaan adopt An Ordinance Concerning Establishing Citation Procedures and Fines for Violations of Zoning Regulations.
7. Any other business to properly come before the meeting.
Procedure for the proceedings: Roberts Rules of Order will prevail, where not in conflict with Parliamentary Law. In accordance with the principles of a deliberative meeting under both Roberts Rules and Parliamentary Law, participation will be reserved for those present.
Dated at Canaan, Connecticut this 11th day of February, 2008.
Canaan Board of Selectmen
Patricia Allyn Mechare, First Selectman
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
"My Guiding Light"
Hazel McGuire is original to Falls Village and a Falls Village original. She meets each challenge with implacable strength and a glowing smile.
Happy Valentine's Day to my guiding light.
-- A Secret Admirer.
"Our 24/7 Valentine"
Curt Mechare is one fine old Yankee - fueled by determination and guided by good old country wisdom. He joined the fire department in 1976, served as chief for 15 years, and continues to respond to those in need. Having retired from high command he can leave his pager at home this year and take his wife to dinner on Valentine's Day in ONE CAR.
Thanks, Curt, from a grateful community
"Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours for one lone soul, another lonely soul"
Twenty-five years as husband and wife, thirty-two years as partners and best friends. Healer, mother, lover, pal: You have given me and our girls a life.
Forever together.
Friday, February 8, 2008
An Amesville Enigma
The spindly pine tree at the foot of the iron bridge on the Amesville side has suddenly sprouted red hearts, presumably for Valentine's Day. Does anyone know who's behind this winsome and unexpected bit of holiday decorating? I suppose it is the same mystery person who decked the Charlie Brown tree with tinsel at Christmas . . .
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Will You Be Mine?
Dear Erica,
We cannot imagine life in town without Story Hour. We live for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Your creativity, ingenuity and big heart are an inspiration every day of the week.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Your Secret Admirers on Canaan Mountain Road
Tell someone in town that you admire, cherish, or love them this Valentine's Day on the Falls Village Blog. This first-time fundraiser will benefit the Falls Village Children's Theater Company's production of "Annie."
Here's how it works. Email me Dan.Shaw@att.net
a JPG of a drawing or photograph, along with a message up to 100 words), which will be published on the blog from February 12 - 14. You can use your name or be a Secret Admirer. Then send a check for $10 to the "FVCT" at 25 Deer Road, Falls Village, CT 06031. (Since this is Falls Village, we are working on the honor system.) The great thing about a blog is that there is unlimited space so everyone can be on it and it will be archived for years to come. And you can buy as many messages as you want!
Let's spread love and help the kids get their show on!
See another example of a Blog Valentine below.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Falls Village is Obama Country
I am told that Falls Villagers cast 118 votes for Obama versus 37 for Clinton.
Here's Obama with Connecticut congressmen Rosa DeLauro and our Chris Murphy.
Election Day Roundup: VOTE!
* 1:15 PM
I just came from Town Hall and according to the vote counter on the machine that scans your ballot only 103 people had voted before me. That is not a good turnout. Every vote counts, so please get out there and make your voice heard.
* Our neighbor on Undermountain Road, Bill Drenttel, is the brains behind the Polling Place Photo Project in association with The New York Times that is described as "a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that encourages voters to capture, post and share photographs of this year’s primaries, caucuses and general election. By documenting local voting experiences, participants can contribute to an archive of photographs that captures the richness and complexity of voting in America." So take your camera to Town Hall today.
* I just got a "phone call" from Jack Nicholson encouraging me to vote for Hillary. I thought it was a practical joke at first. The first character of his that came to mind was The Joker from Batman. He seemed an odd actor for the Clinton campaign to choose to try to sway my vote.
* My sister who lives in White Plains, NY, just called and she was very upset. She did not understand why candidates like John Edwards and Joe Biden were still on the ballot in her voting machine. She said that Clinton was on the top line and that Obama was the fourth or fifth name. And she thought that the Clinton line seemed to be shiny and the others were not. She had already called the Board of Elections to complain.
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Rap on Our Rep
I couldn't make it to Chris Murphy's appearance at Kellogg School yesterday, but my friend Dale McDonald did, and she offered this report:
Chris Murphy's visit was a raging success by any measure. There were over 100 people in attendance, largely Democrat, with a sprinkling of Republicans. Chris spoke briefly, proud to highlight the fact that elected representatives of the people have wrested Congress back from special interest groups, pacs and lobbyists.
*He feels that the Iraq question remains a central issue, even as he notes a cooling interest of late.
*He is passionate about land conservation, and has become the Chairman of the Land Conservation Caucus, a committee he shares with two Republicans from Pennsylvania.
*Chris is nothing if not passionate about health care and in particular, mental health care. He is soon to sponsor a bill.
*Obama: Chris said that he had endorsed Obama and spoke about the 50 + 1 theory with which "all" new candidates are imprinted: One needs simply 50% plus one vote to win, and then manage and tend those voters
to sustain viability. Obama is reaching beyond that. While it is recommended that a freshman Congressman avoid endorsing a candidate, he received a big round of applause as he said, "I love the fact that somebody's gonna try."
*He was asked about how to justify Bush's budget --- heavy in defense and light in domestic issues: It cannot be justified - It will be rewritten in Congress, as was last year's.
* He is "agnostic" about a specific path toward universal health care: Could be a "hybrid" moving toward a form of single pay, as our current system is largely inefficient through its myriad of entries.
*He was asked to consider length of military service term: He supports equal tour of duty/time off, currently wending its way in Congress.
*He was asked about supporting taxpayers right to choose NOT to pay taxes, largely as 51% military budget: He said he could not support that cherry-picking.
*He feels we can reach across the aisle on the subject of energy independence: It is inextricably linked with defense.
*Asked about signing statements, he got huge applause. He said they are unconstitutional.
*Defense Appropriation Bill: He has refused to sign any appropriation bill not tied specifically to withdrawal. Other congressional members fear smear of "unpatriotic" attached to that vote, although it is growing in popularity from 40%, currently
He thanked everyone for coming out...skillfully slipped in his Giants preference in the Super Bowl, and went on to say,
"It's a fascinating time...Chills go down my spine every day I go to work."
I'm feeling chills, too.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Want to See Our Next President?
I just got this email and wanted to share it:
Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama in Hartford
XL Center (formerly known as Hartford Civic Center)
One Civic Center Plaza
Hartford, CT 06103
Monday, February 4
Doors Open: 3:30 p.m.
Program Begins: 5:30 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged, so sign up now:
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Mardi Gras Menu at Toymaker's
To celebrate Mardi Gras, Annie and Greg Bidou have a special menu this weekend that includes traditional New Orleans specialties like jambalaya, Muffuletta sandwiches and King Cake. Besides serving you delicious food, Annie will bedeck you in sparkling Mardi Gras beads that you get to take home with you.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Now and Forever
Everyone who cares about preserving the rural character of Falls Village (and isn't that all of us?) should say thank you to Mary and Richard Lanier whose farm on Brewster Road across from the library helps give the village its picture postcard quality. Last week, the Connecticut Farmland Trust announced that an agricultural conservation easement for the 38 acre farm known as Grassy Hill had
been donated to the Trust. This means that the property will remain farmland forever.
According to a press release issued by the Trust, "Grassy Hill is an integral part of the Falls Village landscape. It has been farmed continuously for over 260 years, first under the name of Grassy Hill and later, in the early twentieth century, as the Mead Farm. In 1992 it was bought by Mary and Richard Lanier, who revived its original name, which appears in local land records as early as 1753. The Laniers have a small number of all natural, grass-fed beef cows and provide pasture in the spring, summer and fall to the last full-time dairy farmer in Falls Village.
An aerial photographic survey made by the State of Connecticut in 1934 shows almost all of the 38 acres of Grassy Hill to be open farmland. But between then and the Laniers’ purchase of the farm, only a portion of the property was used for farm-related purposes, including a period in the 1940s and 1950s, when it was the site of the Berkshire Mink Farm. As a result, the once open fields became overgrown with cedars, wild roses, barberry bushes and other invasive species. The Laniers have worked for the past 15 years to reclaim the open farmland by clearing the property and returning it to its previous state. Thanks to those efforts, almost 25 acres are again usable, primarily as pasture. They estimate that restoring the remaining 13 acres may require an additional 3 years."
And if you enjoy the view of the Lanier's farm from the road, you should see the view of the town from their property. It's another postcard view, and the hill behind their house is where the Congregational Church has its Easter sunrise service.