Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Christo in Connecticut?

I thought these new orange road signs were some sort of conceptual art project that I hadn't heard about. Well, I was way off base. Yesterday, when I crossed the Amesville Bridge, I discovered that they are detour blazes for the Appalachian Trail, because the Route 7 bridge is now closed to all foot traffic.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't they have done it the old fashioned way, by blazing trees? They could supplement that with a sign at either end of the detour explaining it. This feels like a bit too industrial a solution.

Anonymous said...

Think of it as conceptual art and you will like it least I do.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is the signs describing the routes are wrong! The one on Warren Tpke describes the southerly detour but labels it northbound. The sign by the blue bridge was wrong too, but was changed with a sharpie marker. Ha! I sure hope not too many people get lost!