Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Lakeville Journal Regrets . . .

Lakeville Journal publisher Janet Manko insists that the paper meant no disrespect by omitting the page about Falls Village in this week's Town & Villages supplement. It was a printer's error and it will be in next week's paper. Click on the image to see what the LJ meant to print


Terry Cowgill said...

"Insists?" Surely you don't think this was intentional, Dan?

Unknown said...

It was a technical glitch, which never should have happened, but Dan was very understanding (having been in magazines where, he said, such errors could also happen.) Thank you, Dan, for being willing to post the page. We will print it in Compass June 4. Everyone, please tear it out and add it to your Towns and Villages ! I already have. There is a stack of these pages at the Town Hall as well. Thanks again, Dan. And, our apologies to all in Falls Village, a town we're proud to cover in The Lakeville Journal.