Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Here Comes Congressman Murphy

Congressman Chris Murphy is coming to Falls Village on the eve of the Connecticut presidential primary. At tonight's Democratic Town Committee meeting, First Selectman Pat Mechare announced the Rep. Murphy would be speaking here on Saturday, Feb. 2, although the time and place have not yet been set. It will be inteteresting to to see if Murphy lets us know whom he'll be voting for in the primary . . .


Noelle said...

This is wonderful news! I strongly encourage everybody to come out to hear Chris speak. When I saw him in Cornwall last year, I was so moved and so encouraged by his words and demeanor. This is what politics can look like! Bring your older kids to hear him and get inspired.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say what a fan of Chris Murphy I am!
I think it is scary that Mr. Nania is back in politics;; doesnt anyone remember his vile comments in the 80's when he was a state rep about women and rape?